Can I apply for jobs (state, federal, private) on state time using my state computer? If so, how much time is reasonable and do I need my supervisor's permission? If the agency approved it, does the fact that I might be getting laid off from my job allow me to use more time so that I can stay in the state system?
Answer: State employees may, subject to the de minimis use rule, use a state computer to apply for other state jobs. Under WAC 357-31-325, a supervisor must allow a state employee to take paid leave to take state exams and participate in state interviews, but can, depending on agency policies, allow the state employee the ability to complete these tasks without taking leave. However, an agency does not have to grant paid leave if the time requested by the state employee becomes excessive.
A state employee may not use state resources (time and computer) to search for, apply for, prepare resumes and/or other correspondence for jobs outside of the state system. State employees and officers must use their own personal resources and time when seeking employment outside of the state system.
The same rules apply regardless of the reason for looking for the job. Employees who are being laid off due to budget cuts may attend state sponsored classes or training sessions per their agency's policies.